
1 August 2016

I met this gang of people who gave me assurance and love me for who I am. I went to my first cell group in the past 17 plus years of my life( okay almost 18 last 10 days before I'm 18). An amazing thing happen just before 1st August. I was asked to cell group by a super nice GL during one of the NDP rehearsal but it was that moment I consider amazing. I agree without hesitating. I know is Christianity but i still went with it. that very day I found god my new home. A new father and most important is a new Family that i call upon.

A restart in blogging

Hello Readers, Welcome back to my blog. A blog that has been stagnant for so long. Just wanna say that I have never give up blogging still just that I took a long time thinking what content to put here. So now I'm back this blog from now on will be more on what happen just before my 18 birthday and things after that plus many more journey. Just hope that you will like it. But just some warnings: The following content in this blogs contain Christianity.